Thursday 9 April 2015

The 6 Point quick guide on dealing with teenagers in the Facebook Era

If parenting and rocket science were competing as to which of them is tougher, rocket science would lose by a really large margin. Almost every parent would agree to this, especially parents with unmanageable hormonal teenagers living under their roof. Parenting has so many precious moments but it can also get difficult at times. In such moments wouldn’t you love to fall back on a manual or a handbook?
With the advancements in technology particularly the web and freely available knowledge of anything and everything it has become much more complicated to bring up a child.  But it also works in your favour. You can know more about your children and stay connected to them. Another brighter side to this Social media wave is a considerable reduction in the rate of the viewing of explicit material on the internet. At least now you know your child is just socializing and making good use of the internet.
But you are an adult and you know or in the least are expected to know how to use internet and social media responsibly.  But we cannot say the same about teenagers. Facebook use has increased drastically in the last few years.  Facebook Use by Teenagers in India has also considerably increased.
So, here is your quick guide to dealing with teenagers in this Facebook era.
1.       Have “the talk”
It is important to educate your children about Facebook and about whom to socialize with and where to draw the line.
2.       Educate yourself
First you need to know of it yourself. Read about Facebook or ask someone who is using it. Better yet, use it yourself.
3.       Assign hours
It is very easy to while away time when you are on Facebook. So depending on their age you can assign particular hours or timings for internet usage.
4.       Keep a check
It is important to keep a check on your child’s use of Facebook. This does not mean stalking them!! It only means being careful and cautious
5.       Stranger Alert
Tell them about privacy settings on Facebook and make sure they turn up the privacy settings to an all-time high at least till they are big enough to take care of themselves.
6.       Be Active
Be active on Facebook yourself. This way you will know that Facebook is not a child eating monster and you can be updated on your child’s life.

Facebook Use by Teenagers in India is sometimes detested by a lot of adults. This could be orthodox and baseless to some extent. But the teenagers need to know the difference between use and addiction. As parents all you can do is divert their spare time energy in the right direction and be friendly and not forceful.

Good Luck. Happy Parenting!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Why should you never ignore Ethnic marketing and Diversity marketing?

Ethnic marketing and diversity marketing is no longer a niche, but a new mainstream. Any marketer who fails to understand this will be left out.  Ethnic groups generally buy more consumer goods than the general population and are more brand loyal. Minorities can be a major majority, if not for you than certainly for your competition.
Yes, these groups do spend, but the question is, how much are they spending with you? Are you waiting for these communities to be mainstream? It will be too late if you did do. Multicultural consumers are a new breed that spends quite a bit on financial, food, travel, cosmetics and technology. If you want your brands to be successful, staying updated with the shifting cultural trends is a must in Ethnic marketing and diversity marketing
They represent a sustainable model for growth because their purchasing power outpaces traditional mainstream consumers. All ethnic consumers have a promising potential and like everyone else, they seek to connect with brands that reflect their aspirations and views. They provide a sustainable model. Ethnic marketing and diversity marketing will always be turned on by a great ethnic ad campaign. It will help you create simple and lasting connections with ethnic consumers.
An ethnic advertising agency not only brings multicultural smarts to the table, but will also bring a pedigree of mainstream corporate experience. They know what you need and   know how to help you and your company. The agency has the knowledge and experience that provides an advantage in achieving objectives. They have an extensive network of contacts across ethnic communities and multicultural media channels to build a profound and strong strategy. An agency will have good expertise in marketing, advertising, strategy, media, research, and building long term customer relationships through events and grassroot initiatives.
When you do business with an ethnic agency the brand is shaped and communicated by the fusion of mature brand guardians and an exciting new generation of young creative minds.

It is not only about creating multicultural advertising, but also about making brands more valuable by changing the way ethnic consumers sees your brand and making it a part of their everyday lives. An agency will create experiences, products, platforms and content that helps you build meaningful relationships.